McCartney wrote the song after repairing a hole in the roof on his Scottish farmhouse. Many fans would later insist that the song was an allusion to a junkie shooting up, with "the hole" referring to a needle mark on the arm. This interpretation never made sense since, in the context of the song, "fixing" the hole stops the narrator's mind from wandering, the opposite one would expect from a drug-induced experience. Others have maintained that the song refers to a junkie "cleaning up his act," which would be more in keeping with the lyrics, although McCartney stated on many occasions that the song was the outgrowth of his handyman's work in Scotland--nothing more--and there is no reason to doubt his veracity. Both Lennon and McCartney believed the song to be very good, with Lennon complimenting McCartney on especially good lyrics.
McCartney also stated that someone showed up at his home before going to the studio that evening, claiming to be Jesus. He took the person to the session, which proved uneventful. Lennon himself would later claim to be Jesus, but this is attributed to a later period in Beatles history (at Apple headquarters at Saville Row).
McCartney handled lead vocal and played bass. Harrison played lead guitar (double-tracked) and added a backing vocal. Lennon played maracas and also provided a backing vocal. Starr played drums.
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