"I Want You (She's So Heavy)" was the first track recorded for the Abby Road LP. It was rehearsed on January 29 at Apple Studios and officially recorded at Trident Studios on February 22, 1969. The BBC criticized the lyrics for being too simplistic, but Lennon, citing the influence of Yoko Ono, said that it represented a "progression" to him over complex lyrics such as those in "I am the Walrus." It was definitely minimalist.
John and George retreated to a corner of the studio to overdub the guitar parts again and again to create the massive sound (i.e, it's "heaviness"). Harrison liked the song, saying that it was an old blues riff made original by John courtesy of "a very good chord progression."
Some regard the song as the closest the Beatles ever got to playing Heavy Metal, although Lennon once said that "Ticket to Ride" was a forerunner of the genre. Also, McCartney said that "Helter Skelter" was recorded to show that the Beatles could compete with the genre.
It is the longest Beatles song ever recorded. The song ends abruptly only because the engineers ran out of tape in the recording both.
Lennon played lead guitar and organ, Harrison rhythm guitar and synthesizer, McCartney bass, and Starr drums. Lennon sings lead vocal, with McCartney providing a harmony vocal.
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